About the Artist
Evan Ringuette
I'm a self-taught artist from Michigan and I use traditional materials to create my work. My paintings and drawings are inspired by Surrealism, Renaissance and Erotic art. The most rewarding thing about learning how to draw and paint is having the freedom to visually create whatever I can imagine.
My studio is currently in Downtown Tecumseh. Come in during business hours and you can paint with me! (Space is limited) I provide art supplies and offer tips and tricks. You can even bring in wine, beer and snacks.
I continue to create and improve my skill level. I'm fascinated by how everything has to exist in the mental realm first before it can exist in the physical world. The act of bringing in a vision from this place is just as important as the finished art itself.
"The universe is mental, THE ALL is mind"
- The Kybalian
Looking back on the need to create
I wonder where it comes from
A pencil, some paint
Unlimited potential
Awake and asleep
Freedom and peace
What will I channel?
What will come to me?
When artwork is finished
It's easy to see
Not like the process
The journey goes deep
A vision from the gods
Or a human impulse
If you deny what's below
You deny what's above